Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Oh boy, wait til you hear the news!!!

Oh boy oh boy oh boy!!!  This has been a very exciting week for me! 

It all started when my foster mom brought in a package with the mail.  I could tell she was excited! 

She opened it really fast and then made all kinds of happy sounds - ooowww, aaaahhh, perfect, yesss - and the next thing I knew, she was coming right at me with a long sparkly thing.

I wasn't sure what it was but before I could move, she took off my collar and wrapped it around my neck.

It was a new collar!

And for me!  For Funky!!

Well I may have a silly name, but I'm not dumb!  I knew something was up right away.

She kept saying it was very funky.  I didn't understand that because I was Funky, but she seemed pretty happy about it so I didn't try to correct her.

Besides, it felt so good and made me feel like all the other greyhounds in the house. Except I was handsomer, of course.

So for a few days it was pretty boring again. 

I practiced frogging because my foster mom always gets so excited when I do it.

She's really a push-over. 

Then the same thing happened.  She comes in with the mail and squeals.

And this time it's a square tag-thing.

She showed it to me and IT HAD MY NAME ON IT!  Me... Funky... my own tag!!

I'm staying!  She really really likes me!

I have my own home and my own mom and my own greyhound friends and my bed and my dish and ♥ love ♥

But wait... could that mean... is it possible... can I... is it OK now...

I decided to see if it was really true.


So I hopped up, but I was a little nervous since it was forbidden before. 

She didn't tell me to get down!  It's true!  I'm adopted!!

And Funky lived happily ever after. ☺

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Week in Review

This is Foster Funky, reporting my news...

Actually, this hasn't been a real exciting week for me, but I think that's a good thing. 

Mostly I've been fine-tuning my almost-perfect manners.

Here I am trying to share a bed with my new friend Rising.  Mostly he shows me his butt, but I know he really likes me a lot - who couldn't?

We all know I'm an athlete.  Maybe it's true that I only won $129.75 in six months of racing - but that doesn't mean I can't run.  I'm just selective about it ☺

Athletes like me have to stay in shape, so I have my own exercise program.

Here I am at a full gallop.  Aren't I handsome?

I should probably be in movies.... Funky Stallone... Funky Schwarzenegger... or maybe I'll have my own Team Funky....  move over Edward! ☺

Life isn't perfect here.  On the other side of that fence there are some really evil little dogs that just torment me.

Every day they run to the fence and yap yap yap.  They know I'm a predator, but they still tease me.

I've tried getting over the fence but it's too high, and I don't think I could ever get under it.

Here I am politely asking the little doggies if they'd like to come over here and play.

Bwaaa-ha-ha-ha....  "Here little doggie...  Come to Funky..."

Another lesson I'm trying to learn is to come when my foster mom calls my name.

Usually I ignore her.

Once in a while I'll come just to make her think I'm really learning.

She's so hopeful.... it's kinda sad.

OK.  I admit it.  Maybe I need professional help.

My name is Funky and I'm a stuffie addict.  I'll start a 12 step program as long as there are 12 stuffies in it for me.

I can't leave them alone.  They're so soft, and cute, and they come in all sizes and shapes, and I feel so much better when they're all around me.

My foster mom picks them all up, and before you can say "Funky, no!" I can get them scattered all over the house again.

I did this pile in no time last night. Then I went to sleep so she wouldn't think it was me.  I'm very shrewd. 

So that's been my week.  I wonder what next week will be like?  Tune in next week and find out!  This is Funky... signing off.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

A bed bug wannabe


I have a secret, and you can't tell anyone.   

:::I want to get on the bed:::

I sneak up like this sometimes.  It's so soft and there's all these soft pillows.

That's where my foster mom sleeps and some of the other greyhounds here get up on it, too.

I really think I'd like it up there.

So, I crawl up like this and give my foster mom The Look.

She says sweet things, and tells me I'm very cute, but I can't get on the bed.

I just know if I stare at her long enough, she'll have to ask me up.

But she doesn't.

What am I doing wrong?

She says something about foster greyhounds aren't allowed on beds.

There's a law about it, I guess.


Well, I don't want to get in any trouble.  It's confusing enough learning all the rules around here.

I need a nap.  I think I'll just roll over here.  Maybe no one will see me.

It's hard being good but I try.

See?  I'm not really on the bed ☺

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

High prey greyhound - that's ME!

Most of the greyhounds that come through this adoption group are able to be adopted into homes with cats or small dogs.  Despite their career chasing a white furry "rabbit" around the track, a surprising number of greyhounds accept cats and small dogs as their friends.

Some turn out otherwise, however.  A few greyhounds see any small moving animal as prey, and they become immediate predators in their presence.  These are the greyhounds that are said to be "not cat safe" and "not small dog safe".  These hounds think a little poodle or a cat or sometimes even a Beagle or a Cocker Spaniel-sized dog are no different than a rabbit or a squirrel.  Instinct takes over and they go for the kill.

Funky is a high prey greyhound.  With people and other greyhounds and larger (over 50 lb) non-greyhounds, he's mild-mannered, calm, and even meek.  He defers to everyone, and reacts to even the slightest correction by hanging his head and cowering.

Around smaller animals, though, his prey instincts suddenly go into gear and he is an instant predator.  If you've never seen it, it's a sight to behold.

This is Funky at his first M&G fixing on a small dog going into PetSmart (Rob's greyt picture!!).  He could not be distracted until the small dog disappeared from his view.

Fortunately, Funky happened to draw my house for his foster home - no small animals and a 6 ft privacy fence.  The first time my neighbor's small dogs came running and barking on their side of my fence, Funky instantly went from Clark Kent to Superman.  He was at the fence in seconds, and tried his best to get through it.

First, he tried to go over the fence, and had his front paws on the top of the 6 ft fence.

Then he tried to go under it.  He was totally fixed on his prey and could not be distracted.

No pics of him at the top of the fence, but here he is trying to get under it - he's the one with the brindle butt in the air  ;-\

These high prey dogs need continuous caution.  When meeting other dogs... walking in your neighborhood... at M&G's... you must be constantly vigilant and cautious.  This is part of Funky, and will never change.  His ultimate home needs to be able to keep him safely.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Party Boy

Funky went to his 2nd M&G on Saturday and enjoyed the big birthday celebration for the puppies, and all the delicious  treats from Doug, the store manager!  Funky is soooo very gentle when he takes treats from your hand ☺

Funky is generally a quiet boy, and a little reserved with people, but he loved sniffing all the hounds, and here he is saying  ♫ Happy Birthday♫  to Declan!

After a couple of hours of meeting and greeting, Funky was pooped.  It was time to head home and get caught up on all the naps he missed.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Funky finds his courage

Funky has made peace with the big TV and now will sleep in the same room.

What a courageous boy :-)))

Sunday, July 4, 2010

I'm a frog


Funky's first week

Part of fostering is introducing house-things to a hound that's never been in a house.  Funky has been learning a lot this week
  • not to counter-surf - he hasn't done it in 5 days ☺ ☺ ☺
  • to play with stuffies - he's a natural, see previous post, LOL
  • use stairs - he goes up and down like a pro - zoom!
  • to sleep on a floor bed through the night - oh, yesss!!
  • to be a good boy and do his business outside - we're 98% there
  • to ignore things like ceiling fans and vacuums and TV's - wellll, we're working on 'em
Ceiling fans - didn't get a second look.  Brave boy. 

Vacuum cleaner - tolerates within 4-5 feet - looks annoyed that it disturbed his nap

TV - it's an EVIL thing!!!  Funky will not stay in the same room with the big TV on. 


WHAT is THAT?!?!



I think I'm safe in here.

Tell me when it's gone.

We're working on it :-)))

Sunday, June 27, 2010

He's a natural!

Funky has been here less than 48 hours and he has REALLY taken to life in a home!  He's truly a natural at it ☺  His house manners have been perfect - no accidents - and just one chewing no-no.  He found MY own stuffie, LOL - a Dogbert stuffie - and thought it was his.  No no...  Humans can have stuffie's too ☺

He's quickly learned the eating routine, with no sign of food aggression.

For dessert, he had his first trachea and he loved it!  He's a gentle boy, taking treats easily from your hand, and patient for his turn.

Funky was relaxed and happy and comfortable enough to roach last night!  That's really fast for a foster to feel that secure so quickly! 

This morning he was back at the stuffies - he loves to just walk around with one in his mouth.

Hey, Funky, could you try to be a little cuter???

Saturday, June 26, 2010

So this is retirement!

Funky just got here last night and he's already figuring out home-life! ☺  He's met all my hounds and, after a whole lot of sniffing, he's been welcomed by all. 

He had a restful night, and slept til 6 AM!!  That's really good!  Since he's a greyhound, though, a good night's sleep is never enough, and he's already had several naps this morning ☺  So many new beds to try out...

Funky is not cat or small dog safe - he's really very keen with their barking and seeing them.  Squeaky toys get his focused attention, and he's already become a stuffie hound. 

He did fine in the storm last night - no sign of fear at all.  And he is already a pro at all the stairs!  Yeah, Funky!!!

All this and he hasn't even been here a day!  Stay tuned  ;-))