Sunday, July 4, 2010

Funky's first week

Part of fostering is introducing house-things to a hound that's never been in a house.  Funky has been learning a lot this week
  • not to counter-surf - he hasn't done it in 5 days ☺ ☺ ☺
  • to play with stuffies - he's a natural, see previous post, LOL
  • use stairs - he goes up and down like a pro - zoom!
  • to sleep on a floor bed through the night - oh, yesss!!
  • to be a good boy and do his business outside - we're 98% there
  • to ignore things like ceiling fans and vacuums and TV's - wellll, we're working on 'em
Ceiling fans - didn't get a second look.  Brave boy. 

Vacuum cleaner - tolerates within 4-5 feet - looks annoyed that it disturbed his nap

TV - it's an EVIL thing!!!  Funky will not stay in the same room with the big TV on. 


WHAT is THAT?!?!



I think I'm safe in here.

Tell me when it's gone.

We're working on it :-)))

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