Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Week in Review

This is Foster Funky, reporting my news...

Actually, this hasn't been a real exciting week for me, but I think that's a good thing. 

Mostly I've been fine-tuning my almost-perfect manners.

Here I am trying to share a bed with my new friend Rising.  Mostly he shows me his butt, but I know he really likes me a lot - who couldn't?

We all know I'm an athlete.  Maybe it's true that I only won $129.75 in six months of racing - but that doesn't mean I can't run.  I'm just selective about it ☺

Athletes like me have to stay in shape, so I have my own exercise program.

Here I am at a full gallop.  Aren't I handsome?

I should probably be in movies.... Funky Stallone... Funky Schwarzenegger... or maybe I'll have my own Team Funky....  move over Edward! ☺

Life isn't perfect here.  On the other side of that fence there are some really evil little dogs that just torment me.

Every day they run to the fence and yap yap yap.  They know I'm a predator, but they still tease me.

I've tried getting over the fence but it's too high, and I don't think I could ever get under it.

Here I am politely asking the little doggies if they'd like to come over here and play.

Bwaaa-ha-ha-ha....  "Here little doggie...  Come to Funky..."

Another lesson I'm trying to learn is to come when my foster mom calls my name.

Usually I ignore her.

Once in a while I'll come just to make her think I'm really learning.

She's so hopeful.... it's kinda sad.

OK.  I admit it.  Maybe I need professional help.

My name is Funky and I'm a stuffie addict.  I'll start a 12 step program as long as there are 12 stuffies in it for me.

I can't leave them alone.  They're so soft, and cute, and they come in all sizes and shapes, and I feel so much better when they're all around me.

My foster mom picks them all up, and before you can say "Funky, no!" I can get them scattered all over the house again.

I did this pile in no time last night. Then I went to sleep so she wouldn't think it was me.  I'm very shrewd. 

So that's been my week.  I wonder what next week will be like?  Tune in next week and find out!  This is Funky... signing off.

1 comment:

  1. Funky, you are just about the cutest thing ever! You can come sleep on my bed!
